
According to Myers-Briggs, I am an INTJ. While I am no expert in the field of psychology, I do agree with just about everything I have read about INTJs. As such, I spend a lot of time in my head, and these are my areas of interest:

Meaning of Life
Efficiencies & Effectiveness
Writing & Journaling
Other Interests


I have been a happy person – upbeat, cheerful, and optimistic – for 95% of my life. That is not an arbitrary number, for I actually calculated it out.

Then one day, things happened that took me to a dark place. I struggled to find my way back out, and I was willing to try anything to be happy again. I did eventually find my MOJO, thank goodness! And I’ve been fascinated with the study of happiness ever since.

Meaning of Life

Related to the above is the meaning of life. It is a question that has been asked since the beginning of time and is something I often think about as well.

Why am I here? What should I be doing, and why?

Years ago, I heard someone say that each of us has about 1,000 months to live. How will we spend our time, and whom will we spend it with? I use this as my compass in all aspects of my life. Make each moment count, and never accept anything less than the best that life has to offer – in our living conditions, work situations, and relationships. There is no time for nonsense.

I am not an atheist, but I agree with Grayling’s comments 100%.

Efficiencies & Effectiveness

Related to happiness and the meaning of life is my overwhelming desire to not waste my time. If something can be simplified, centralized, systemized, automated, improved, or otherwise organized so that I never have to think about it again and can go outside and play, I am all for it.

That I am able to use my organizing skills to help others and launch a second career has been a real blessing.

Writing & Journaling

The desire to understand the meaning of my own life has fueled my love for journaling. It helps me to organize my thoughts, to stay focused on the things that matter most, and to have a record of my life as it unfolds. I also enjoy the creative process of putting thought to paper.

For the longest time, I thought I was crazy to keep doing it! But history is as history is written, as I often like to say. My husband prefers to say that I am a historical revisionist, but then again, who is writing the story?

Other Interests

I worked overseas for many years, traveled as much as I could, and can never get enough of it as there are always new places to see and experience. It’s interesting to see how other people live and what makes them happy.

But my most memorable trip was visiting my ancestral home in China and discovering relatives we didn’t know were there! It sparked my interest in tracing my family roots and… perhaps I have too many interests.

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